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Below is a list of interest groups that are available to members of Croxley Green u3a. Click on a group name in the list to go to the group's page where you can find out more. Once you are a member of our u3a, you will be able to login and apply to join any groups of your choice.
All of our group activities are fully insured by the u3a. If you need details of the insurance, please contact the Secretary
If you would be interested in starting a new group, or have an idea for a new group and would be prepared to help in organising it, please contact our Groups Coordinator to discuss further.
For ease of communicating with our members, the groups listed as "Theatre Trips" and "Monthly Meetings" have been set up for all members who are automatically enrolled in them on joining our u3a. You can ask to be removed if you do not want to receive information about them.